AsianSunTimes coverage of breaking news and current headlines in Asia and around the world. Top stories, photos, videos, detailed analysis and in-depth reporting.
India imposes world’s largest coronavirus lockdown
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday placed the entire India under a “complete lockdown” effective that midnight local time.
With a total population of 1.3
Another pandemic? Fears grow as China reports case of Hantavirus
The English-language Chinese news outlet Global Times reported on Monday that a man in Yunnan, China died and tested positive for a hantavirus.
This has...
Global markets rise as US nears trillion-dollars’ worth stimulus package
After a sudden sink last month, world stock markets sharply soared Tuesday following the announcement of the United States that it is now working...
South Korean exports jump as employees worldwide work from home
The outbound shipments of teleconferencing equipment and components from South Korea have soared to 10% in the past weeks as many employees around the...
Malaysia’s largest mineral water company to boost production to 900 million...
Spritzer Berhad, Malaysia’s largest producer of bottled water plans to boost its production capacity to 900 million bottles by next year to meet the...
Singapore Airlines grounds hundreds of planes, trims 96% of capacity
A total of 185 out of 196 aircrafts of the Singapore Airlines (SIA) will be grounded amid the intensified border controls worldwide in efforts...
Philippines mandates BPOs to settle “Work from Home” policies until March...
Following the implementation of an enhanced community quarantine in the entire Luzon, including Metro Manila, the Philippine Government has ordered all Business Process Outsourcing...
Indonesia set to surge oil imports as global crude prices plunge
The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Indonesia announced that it will increase the import volume of crude oil while the global prices remain low...
Malaysia maintains stock trading amid coronavirus lockdown
The Malaysian government and Bursa Malaysia have reiterated that they will not suspend the local stock exchange despite the implementation of lockdown in the...
Economists: Global market is already in recession due to coronavirus pandemic
American and European economic experts said that the recession in global economy is already here considering the deepening impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019...